Look at the crowd... Ish...
As i said,it was so damn hot and in the same time,there were sooo many people waiting there,that's why i decided to pop into dad's car after having my order to this lady... But it so happen that,after 15 minutes,when i went down to claim my 8 packets of ABC,the biatch,erm the lady i mean,she said that she've forgotten about my order,i was like speechless in the moment,but its understood that there were sooo many people,takan she can remember if i wasn't there to remind her,so i just wait for about another 1o minutes... =.="
Phew,after the ABC,it was sooo damn refreshing,hohoooo... And this actually happened at about 4-5pm...
The sky appeared to be as dark as Kee Pin!!! XD
People... This shows that the world is changing ooh,mother earth is having changes,the climate changes from time to time... Please,protect our earth from global warming,greenhouse effect,acid rain,or whatever laaa (but me myself is enjoying in my air-conditioned room,=.=" )
Well,auntie decided to have have something new and special for our dinner,and she tried to go for western style wey~
The chicken chops,yum yum~
Thaadaaaa,fries,egg,tomatoes and chicken chop!
Dinner time,we have enjoyed the meal which was prepared by auntie oo,appreciate it alot wey ^_^
Well,i have mentioned before... The world's changing... And on (Saturday 29 of March 2009) there was a event regarding to this,its that we have been given choices to vote on protecting our earth,or in the other way by voting to cause global warming to our earth oo,the vote is simple,turn off your lights by 8.30pm until 9.30pm,or LIGHTS ON for the whole night!! Make your choice! *though its already over liao laaa...

This was the only light source in our house... And we were sitting at the the living room talking while my mom rather went to bed instead of koya-ing with us,LOLX... Well,by that time,not much of them turned off their light,even our neighbour duh... =.=" Anyhow,at least we've played our own part to support earth! yay~~
After that... Its already 9.30pm,lights on~ And i need to return to my work,again...=.= Well,i was thinking of cutting and pasting those newspaper all by myself,and there were 21 to be done!!! Hmmm,i tried my luck by asking 2 of my younger cousin bro and sis to help me out... LUCKILY i asked them wey!! They agreed and helped me out without any grumbling or whining wey! I was soooo damn happy by that time,hohoooo...
1 was pasting,while the other 1 was cutting,how nice was that !! Thanks alot wey!
With their help,i manage to get the cutting and pasting session to be done at around 20 minutes,if i were to do it alone,i couldn't imagine how long would it take ooh... @.@
Well,i have been so eager to have my 15 pages of newspaper cutting to be done ooh! I can't imagine how fast was that ooh,XD how determining am i for persuading myself not to go playing together with my younger cousin brother ooh,XD
After that,we enjoyed the movie "ka yao hei xi" (translate it into cantonese) that made us LOL-ed seriously.After the movie,off to bed because tomorrow we will be visiting my cousin brother at his National Service camp at Sitiawan... bubu~
To be continue~
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