20 of March 2009,Friday...
Hello there guys and girls,I'm finally back from my 3 days 2 night Scouts camp (from the 17th of March until the 19th of March) There will be more updates for the camp on the up coming post... As for today,I'm damn tired to be honest... Yesterday,i slept from 10.30pm until 9am+ in the next morning,cool huh? And today,I'm very tired still... Took my nap from 2.30pm until 4.30pm. Then,i received H.Yong's text that he asked me whether i wanna go for a concert of a singer which her name is... Yan Wan Qian (Astro's singer laa,cacat punya) and Yong said it's free of charge!!
But then,after some discussion,we decided to go to KBmall for billiard and chit chatting,because we scared that the concert might be tooooo boring for us,so yeah... And so i called up P.Yen,K.Jie and Jeon. Jeon was still in school by the time i phoned him,because he just came back from his Pencinta Alam's camp and still,he agreed to hang out with us,how 'keat' he is...
After some time when everyone reached,we then went upstairs to start our billiard session... In the same time,we were all talking and sharing about the things and stuffs on our camp to each other,how nice was that,and all of us really did LOL-ED like mad!
Jeon's ready for the cue ball,while Jie and Yen are listening to Yong...
Seriously,we had lotsa fun by sharing our stories on our camp... After that,we went downstairs to get something inside Pacific. And suddenly we spotted something interesting and we decided to take a photo of it...
Yong is 'cekek-ing' the bear... OMG,how cruel!
LOL,we found out these few teddy bears some where around the Pacific,and decided to take a photo of it,by that time,a lot of people were looking at us,we looks stupid but yet its fun,XD
After that,we then went to McD to have their dinner (because I've already took mine earlier before) After our meal,Jie and Yen went back home while me and Jeon were waiting for my dad to fetch us up and Yong was waiting for us before he went back with his bike... Suddenly Yong said of staying overnight in my house,i was like "yeah,good idea,can also what..." And yeah,Yong decided to stay overnight at my house in just a split seconds decision,HOHOHO... (Sorry Jeon,my house didn't have enough space to put in Yong's bike,sorry to burden you ya...)
After that,we then went to McD to have their dinner (because I've already took mine earlier before) After our meal,Jie and Yen went back home while me and Jeon were waiting for my dad to fetch us up and Yong was waiting for us before he went back with his bike... Suddenly Yong said of staying overnight in my house,i was like "yeah,good idea,can also what..." And yeah,Yong decided to stay overnight at my house in just a split seconds decision,HOHOHO... (Sorry Jeon,my house didn't have enough space to put in Yong's bike,sorry to burden you ya...)
Please be informed that,the following photos might somehow looks kinda gay... Please be tolerate...
After some chatting,yong took his bath and wore my shirt,this makes us looks like couple because both of our shirt were the same! ( because I've bought these 2 shirt for about 3-4 years ago,1 for me,1 for my bro,both are of the same brand and colour,XD )
We then started our DoTA session...
When it's about 3am,both of us are tired and he's still reading the comic uh...
I woke up at around 11.30am,while he was still sleeping,i took this picture,hohohoooo...

Hahaha,Yong,don't kill me when you saw this picture ya,XD! After that,we then went for tuition together... When i was having my add math tuition,i was damn tired that i can't really concentrate while teacher was teaching. As the result,after my dinner,i dozed off on the sofa at around 8pm until 10.30pm,=.=" SHIT! I just remember that there are a bunch of homework waiting for me to be done,zzz i think i must somehow copy them or accumulate them to a bigger pile... @.@ Tired know?!
Well,it's a nice day,i love hanging out with friends,hohohooo~
Signing off... There will be more updates about my camp on the upcoming post,because i need to gather those pictures from the others...
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