On the way~
Actually,we were all expecting that the camp site would be as nice as the one which my brother was in (4 years ago duh...) By that time my bro was sent to the camp site which was some where around Tapah,that one was a well-known one,because it was a newly built camp site for N.S duh,and its been rated on the 2nd place among all the camp site all over M'sia duh. But this time,my cousin brother wasn't that lucky duh.. His camp site was like... so cin cai??
This is the place which they used to let those visitors/parents to visit their child? That was just 2 freaking tent,and behind the 2 tent,there is a 'pondok-like' place... The place doesn't seems any better in compared to those 2 tents,as what i had observed on it,it was actually a toilet/washroom!! Because i saw there were pipes and those tiles... And even the ceiling looks damn disgusting and ridiculous!! There were holes and leakage of water!! The best word to describe,LOUSY!!!
But i dare not to say that the interior of the camp site was lousy,because we visitors weren't allow to get inside,but seriously... You people are trying to encourage students to get ther N.S training over this kinda place? Don't make me laugh,what would the parents think if they saw this kinda sucky condition,huh... Epic fail...
Anyhow,the scenary there was ok luu...
P.C.B's better?? lol...
After some registration and comfirmation,finally he came out from his camp site luu,and this is what we saw from him...
Spot the different ooh? LOlx... The hair duh,the 2nd pic was the so called---> N.S head. Hahaaa...
Well,we were chatting as if we didn't saw him for years and years...Duh~ By the time when uncle went to his car to take those food... Jeng Jeng...
Tayar poncet duh!! LOLX...
By that time,the sun was like a fire ball wey! DAMN hot! Well,clever punya me,i went to take a umbrella so that while uncle was working on the tyre,he won't feel that hot luuh... After sometime...
Dad came along to help... LOL...
It took us,erm... THEM,for about 20 minutes to get the tyre to be done wey. Phew,that was hot...
Here's their family photos luu
Happy family they are...
After that,we then went back to our conversation,until the sky turned dark... And when it was about to rain,no choice that my cousin brother have to ran back to his camp site luu...
Well,all the while mom and dad were both comparing between the 2 camp site,LOL... And so off me go back to T.I . Before that,we decided to have our lunch some where around erm... Forget the place already,paiseh. Later on,we then reached to the deck which the boats and ferries would be the transport to Pulau Pangkor duh...
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