Monday, December 29, 2008

A long long lost friend...

29th December 2008,Monday...

Days ago,while i was koya-ing around,you tube-ing,facebook-ing... I get to found a loooong lost friend's online at facebook's conversation site... There's a comment left by her on my facebook's status which was how i found out her appearance... And there goes a long long conversation until late mid-night...

And yesterday,I've been to Billion shopping mall (which it's been DECADES) since i last step inside,the reason i was there is just to buy some daily use item. There goes to the clothing section,i get to found a belt which was kinda nice,and last week,mom was forcing me to get one belt for myself,well i chosen the one which was with a normal yet simple design which cost dad about RM 25++.

When we were about to get home,suddenly i saw a shirt that was kinda nice... And so,i bought it,XD... well,there should be more than enough for my CNY's new shirts i think...7 shirts and a belt,sadly can't get any trousers on my previous KL's trip...

Last but not least,i wanted to apologize to my dad here,(although he won't get to see this for sure). These few days I've been grumbling around and kinda made you to get mad,but you tried to controlled your emotion. I felt damn stupid to burden you with my stupid act and grumbling around to you... You've been so damn busy and stressful after your whole day work,and what i did was that kinda stupid act?! Maybe sometimes your words may be spoken abit louder than you usual did,but deep inside my heart i knew that you would do so it's all because of your stress and busy-ness,anyhow,I'm sorry~~

P/S: sorry that my CPU have bit of problem lately,can't really accept the USB cable that i used on my hand phone in order to upload my photos... There might not be photos on the upcoming post,but i will use my laptop to transfer it somehow,hehehe... sorry for the inconvenience

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